Land Acknowledgment
My journey began on Cree, Metis, Nitsitipistakoi land where I lived in harmony with my young self. As my family sought harmony in their lives, they moved us to the incomparably beautiful lands of the WSANEC, Coast Salish, Lekwungen and Te’mexw treaty land.
I called these lands home and was privileged to learn, live, play and work there. I have been lucky to be hosted and felt the unparalleled forces of the love and learning on the lands of the Ucluelet & Nuuchanulth peoples on the west coast of this island.
As I started my own family, we settled on the territories of MALEXE, WSANEC, Coast Salish & Hul'q'umi'num treaty group land, most specifically the land of Showe’luqun.
I am grateful and humbled to be granted the grace to live, raise, and nurture my family on this fertile, verdant land. I am but a visitor to the territory that I call home, and to this earth, and I am honoured to be here.
​I am guided by the energy in nature – the bending of trees in the wind, the rhythm of the moon and the tides. Systems that carry on, unbothered by our existence and our impermanence. I am eternally grateful to those who shared their knowledge, energy, and time with me in my past, those who are in my present, and to those who will come in the future – my future teachers of my future self.
I coach because I hold a great hope for my clients – that they connect with the knowledge that they have the answers within themselves. As a coach, I approach each client with curiosity, compassion, and the knowledge that they are indeed capable of charting their own course and that they have sought out a navigation partner in me.
I use my practice and my personal learning to contribute to reciprocity and justice in kind and in cash. I activate my voice, influence, and privilege as a cis-gendered, non-Indigenous, supported, resourced, educated woman in a way that can be used to change the current narrative and future experience so all people can live in their innate, incredible potential in supported, loved, balanced lives.
My land acknowlegement is possible because of the teachings of Edified Projects.
​Hay'sxw'qa si'em. Thank you.