Hello wonderful humans
Thank you for signing up for Equilibrium by Fulcrum! I can't wait to get in a room (or Zoom) with you and help you transition to where you want to go with your business.
What to expect:
Group introductions, warm welcome, sharing what's happening for you in business and coaching!
See below for an agenda/session flow so for those of us who like to know what's coming, you can get a rough idea of how the session will flow.
Final reminders:
If you haven't paid for your seat please do it now. You can pay online or e-transfer to steph@fulcrumcoaching.ca
Please bring a journal/workbook/whatever works best for you to capture notes/info from the session.
Health & Safety Logistics (face to face):
All participants will be offered hand sanitizer and/or be asked to wash their hands on arrival.
If you feel ill in any way, please do not attend. We will find another session or make up date.
Masks are optional and personal choice.
There will be plenty of seating available to give you the space/closeness you desire with others.
Thanks again for taking a leap for your business with me. This session is going to be incredible.
250 588-8988